I HATE DUNKIRK (less war, more Harry Styles)

Ok, my last two posts have been about the positivity of movies and the impact they have on my everyday life. Now let's take a look at a movie which does the exact opposite of what the first ones did. This post is about the overhyped Christopher Nolan "masterpiece" that is Dunkirk

To start, I must admit, I hate war films. It's all in the past and to be honest I don't really care about history in general. That might sound ignorant, but it's just the truth. 
However, seeing this advertised I was interested. First of, it was Christopher Nolan directing, and secondly, the reviews were in and this movie was a hit.
 Normally I don't pay much attention to reviews since most movies I like (aka romcoms) get slated, but I took confidence from them.
The knockout punch was seeing Harry Styles in the cast, and seeing as he can do no wrong, I assumed that was a strong enough case to go see the movie.

Look at him, does this man look like he can do anything wrong?
 The movie starts, it's loud, what I expect from a war film, good start. Harry Styles yet to be seen, not great but I'm optimistic. After the first 15 minutes, it slows down, becoming both boring and predictable. I understand this was based on true events, but Hollywood it up a little bit. The authenticity and rawness of this film was supposed to be the selling point of this movie, but it just put me to sleep. On top of that, it just had no emotional core to it, I didn't care who lived or who died- in the end I hoped they'd all die. They didn't. The big finale with all its bells and whistles was the most underwhelming, anticlimactic ending to a film I've ever seen. I'm sorry for the hate, but I gotta admit, I'm a hater of this movie. The only revelation of this terrible movie was the performance of none other than...

Mr Harry Styles himself

Papa Bless 



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